MS office 신규 취약점 - CVE-2022-30190

CVE-2022-30190: Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) RCE Vulnerability “Follina” | FortiGuard Labs (

SANS Institute (

CVE-2022-30190/Follina (

What you need to know

2022.05.31 - Jake Wiiliams


  1. The Vulnerability
  2. Mitigations
  3. Detection Engineering - 내 환경에서 exploit이 발생했을 때 라이브로 감지하는 것이기 때문
  4. Forensics / Hunting
  5. Closing Thoughts

구분하는 이유 -> Detection Engineering

<The Vulnerability>

nao_sec 일본의 보안 리서치 그룹 (5/27)

Kevin Beaumont (@GossiTheDog) ->